Play Maker

Give your kids the best start possible

Not only do musical instruments provide a great source of fun and enjoyment for kids, they are also incredibly beneficial to their development and can assist them in gaining
a variety of important skills and qualities that will put them in good stead for the future.

Ensure that the kids in your life have the best possible start by encouraging them to
play a musical instrument from an early age. Whilst many musical toys simply look
like real instruments, the Play Maker range consists of a selection of real instruments designed for children by adult musicians.

This ensures that children are receiving all the benefits of playing a musical instrument.
Research has indicated that playing a musical instrument from a young age can:
Improve memory
Improve concentration
Assist in the development of hand-eye coordination
Assist in the development of patience
Improve language skills
Stimulates children’s senses
Encourage interaction, participation and imagination in children.